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Company Announcement - Remembering Roger Hannay

Company Announcement - Remembering Roger Hannay

Posted on 02/27/2018

Hannay Reels is sad to announce the passing of Roger Hannay on February 26th, 2018.

Roger was born on March 28, 1942, and was the oldest child of George & Mimi Hannay, and the grandson of Hannay Reels’ founder, Clifford.  Surviving are his wife of 55 years, Sherley, along with four children, three sisters, a brother, and several grandchildren.

A graduate of Wheaton College, Roger earned an MBA from U. Michigan before serving as an Army lieutenant in Vietnam.  Returning home in 1966, Roger began his career with Hannay Reels.  He learned the business from the ground up, following in the footsteps of his grandfather (Clifford) and father (George). 

Roger held several positions during his long career, becoming CEO in 1990, serving in that role for the next 22 years.  Roger then continued serving as Chairman of the Board until his passing.  During his over 50 years of service, he led the company to numerous innovations in its product lines and manufacturing techniques, and testified before Congress and the NY State Legislature on several issues related to taxes and regulations that directly affect small family businesses.

Roger was active in many community, family, religious and business organizations, serving on several boards.  A particular passion, given his past service, was for our veterans.  He was a founding member of UMAC (Unified Military Affairs Council), which champions the Capital Region’s military facilities, and a strong supporter of Veterans Miracle Center, an organization that provides clothing, housewares, toys and other goods, as well as an array of counseling services, to any veteran in need.

Strong in his faith, we celebrate that Roger is now with his Lord and Savior, and for the legacy he leaves.

Categories: Company News

